Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Why did I start this blog?

I am so confused about polygamy and the FLDS!

With all the media attention that CPS in the state of Texas and the FLDS are getting right now, I decided to begin my own blog to try and make sense of all this mess. I call it a mess because both Texas CPS and the FLDS have played a significant role to bring us to this place today, where the Supreme Court is reviewing the Appellate Courts decision that CPS did not have sufficient evidence to take over 400 children off the Yearning For Zion ranch near Elorado, Texas.

I am not schooled in the law, but don't think myself to be an ignoramus either. (wow, I am sure glad there is a spell checker on this thing) So, don't hammer me for poor grammar, and I tend to make blanket statements, without fully thinking though the entire thought process.

So, if you stumble upon this site, and wish to leave your 2 cents, or a couple of dollars, so be it. Just keep it clean and somewhat orderly.


eebmoz said...

We have been waiting for some "evidence" by CPS. The first real hint of it came when they said they would be putting some eight minor girls on the witness stand, one of them is supposedly married to Warren Jeffs when she was eleven years old.

Read the article hereTEXT

eebmoz said...

Court orders return of sect children to parents!


eebmoz said...

The warrant for DNA samples from Warren Jeffs is now available to read. It sounds pretty bad.

You can read it here:
Warrant for DNA

Anonymous said...

"If people want live polygamy and can do so without hurting anyone I say they should."

I just read this in a blog. The problem is this: Who is going to be the judge of who is getting hurt?

Polygamy is illegal. Those who live polygamy say it is a higher law. The problem is this: the very laws that will make polygamy legal (sodomy, consenting adults, gay marriage) are the declining moral values that are making our society worse off. So to say that it is OK to live a higher law by using a lower moral law to make it legal is backwards.